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Cheesecake Factory USA – Where Penny from “Big Bang Theory” works

The Cheesecake Factory

Kate and I have been catching up on Big Bang Theory the last couple of weeks. In the show, Penny (the lead actress) works in the Cheesecake Factory.

So Kate and I were excited and really wanted to see how the Cheesecake Factory was like and how its food tasted. So after an exhausting day of shopping at the mall, we decided to have a break at the Cheesecake Factory

The Cheesecake Factory
The Cheesecake Factory

The decorations were quite country with woody tables. Even the menu had a country feel to it. We ordered a meal which came with a chicken wrap, the cheesecake as well as the coke.

The Meal at Cheesecake Factory
The Meal at Cheesecake Factory

The total bill was $18.70 USD! After conversion, that’s about $25 SGD! So it was quite expensive in a sense that we paid a restaurant price but had “fast food” dish. But what the heck…we were in America…

Char Grilled Flat Bread Tex Mex Sandwich from Cheesecake Factory
Char Grilled Flat Bread Tex Mex Sandwich from Cheesecake Factory

The wrap was actually good! It was the char grilled flat bread Tex Mex Sandwich. The veg had a real crunch to it and the sauce went really well with the chicken. Yum. Next, we had the chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake @ $6.99 USD.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory

The cheesecake was really rich and you could taste the bits in the cheesecake. Worth the bucks I’d say.

Overall, it was a little bit on the ex (expensive) side. However, the taste of the wrap as well as the cheesecake did gave us a real surprise. We would definitely try the other cheesecakes if we have the opportunity to visit the Cheesecake Factory again!

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