4 Things You Should Do Before You Go On A Long Trip!

Driving from Busan International Airport to Hilton Busan Hotel heavier traffic near the city

Hey there, travel enthusiasts! Planning a long trip soon? Whether you’re embarking on an epic adventure or a well-deserved vacation, there are some essential preparations you should make before you hit the road. We’ve gathered some valuable tips to ensure your journey goes off without a hitch. So, before you start packing your bags, take a moment to go through these important steps.

1. Secure Your Home and Enlist Neighborly Help

2bearbear @ Devonport Airbnb
2bearbear @ Devonport Airbnb

Before you leave, it’s crucial to ensure your home is safe and secure. Lock all doors and windows, and consider installing a security system or smart locks for added protection. Don’t forget to turn off appliances and unplug electronics to save energy and reduce the risk of electrical issues while you’re away. You might also want to ask a trusted neighbor or friend to collect your mail, water your plants, and keep an eye on your home. Having a neighborly support system can provide extra peace of mind.

Besides these precautions, consider informing your neighbors about your travel plans. Sharing your itinerary and contact information can be beneficial in case of emergencies. It’s always great to have friendly faces nearby who can keep an eye on your property and lend a helping hand if needed.

2. Organize Your Finances

Designated Money Changer in Cuba
Designated Money Changer in Cuba

Financial preparation is key when going on a long trip. Create a budget for your journey, including accommodation, food, transportation, and activities. Notify your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with your credit or debit cards while abroad. It’s also wise to carry some cash in the local currency of your destination for emergencies.

Consider setting up automatic bill payments to avoid missed deadlines while you’re away. Also, these day, going cashless seems to be on the rise. Hence, do check out the various payment apps available in the country that you’re visiting as well.

3. Packing and Storage

Lobby of Ueno Touganeya Hotel where we left our luggage
Lobby of Ueno Touganeya Hotel where we left our luggage

Now, the fun part – packing! Make a checklist of all the items you’ll need for your trip, and pack wisely. Don’t forget essentials like clothing, toiletries, medications, and travel documents. And here’s where we mention about self storage attraction – if you have valuable items you won’t be taking with you, consider using a reputable self-storage facility to keep them safe and sound. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your belongings are secure while you’re away. Learn more about self-storage options at Store Friendly as well.

4. Health and Safety: Protecting Your Health and Drinking Water

"Green" friendly water supplies in glass bottles at Westin Desaru
“Green” friendly water supplies in glass bottles at Westin Desaru

Your health should always be a top priority when traveling. Schedule a visit to your doctor before your trip to ensure you’re up to date on vaccinations and have any necessary prescriptions. Research the health regulations and requirements of your destination, including COVID-19 guidelines, to stay informed and prepared. Invest in travel insurance to cover unexpected medical expenses and trip cancellations.

When it comes to staying healthy overseas, be cautious about consuming safe, clean water. In many countries, tap water may not be safe to drink. Stick to bottled water or consider using water purification methods like water filters or purification tablets. Staying hydrated with safe water is essential for a worry-free trip.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the local emergency contact numbers and embassy information of the country you’re visiting. Create digital copies of important documents like your passport, visa, and travel insurance policy, and store them securely in cloud storage for easy access.

By following these essential steps, you’ll be well-prepared for your long trip and can focus on enjoying your adventure to the fullest. Safe travels!

Remember, it’s always a good practice to double-check the latest travel advisories and guidelines from reputable sources like the U.S. Department of State or World Health Organization.

Do you have any other tips or experiences to share before embarking on a long journey? Feel free to leave a comment below and let us know!

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